Outdoor Advertising


Fixed Sign is an outdoor advertising structure, found in high traffic areas usually within the cities targeting both pedestrians and motorists, generating rapid consumer Top-of-mind and brand awareness ideal for new product and campaign launches. Precisely, this type of sign is located, either on one-roof buildings or withing stadiums. This is one of the most effricient ways of outdoor advertising.  


Pisa Sign is an outdoor advertising structure, found in high traffic areas usually within the cities targeting both pedestrians and motorists, generating rapid consumer Top-of-mind and brand awareness ideal for new product and campaign launches.


Super Pisa Signs are the largest, most impactful standard-size billboards. Located primarily on major highways, expressways or principal arterials, they command high-density consumer exposure. Super Pisa Signs afford greatest visibility due not only to their size, but because they allow creative "customizing" through extensions and embellishments.


Trivision is a system of rotating triangular prisms able to display THREE different images in succession on the same surface creating an effect of dissolvence between images. As it moves, Trivision captures the spectator's attention maintaining his interest alive and increasing his capacity to memorize the message before him.


Wall-Wrap Sign is one of the most spectacular and impressive ways of advertisment, since these types of signs are located in the most highly traffic places of the cities. In addition, the dimensions of this sign are enormous, which such a thing can easily attract every single person, who drives or walk in the area. It goes without saying, that these innovative ways of advertisement can take you a step further from the others, not only because of the impact of the sign, but also from the status you gain when you advertise you product on such gigantic board.

Special Advertising Media


Wall-Wrap Sign is one of the most spectacular and impressive ways of advertisment, since these types of signs are located in the most highly traffic places of the cities


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